HomeSchool | Fall 2018


MEarth’s new HomeSchool program is immersive, inspiring 10 week long experience on the one-of-a-kind, Hilton Bialek Habitat. Students investigate native habitats and ecosystems, gain culinary skills in our state-of-the-art LEED-certified classroom, learn about food systems, and explore the wonders of the abundant plants and animals at the Habitat. Our field-based educational experiences explore local flora and fauna, watersheds, the relationship between humans and natural landscapes, and environmental sustainability. MEarth changes the way students interact with and think about, nature and their place in our interconnected natural world. Each week students will make a snack from the garden with the final session culminating in a Garden-to-Table Pizza lunch.

Every Friday: October 5 - December 14th
October | 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
November | 2nd, 9th, 16th, 30th
December | 7th, 14th

1:30pm to 3:30pm

recommended grades 5th - 7th
